Time has been flying and our little man has just completed 6 months yesterday! He has grown so much, and has been developing such a great personality. He is very smiley; he talks a lot, makes plenty of funny faces and loves to eat. He hasn’t had any wine yet, but he’s been sure trying to grab those goblets. And who would ever guess, he is fascinated by computers. No mistake, he is definitely our baby!!! ;P
When fall rolled in, mommy went back to work (two days a week), which meant Loïc started spending a whole entire day a week with daddy, doing fun things like going to swimming class, rolling around the house, playing with his toys. He also got to spend full days just with his Thata (Tia Thais) who is a master on making him laugh. But mommy still gets to spend plenty of time with him, playing, reading, and enjoying his daily baths. Now our Lolo is also finally getting what he’s been asking for a long time: real food!! He loves holding his spoon(s), and his bowl! He became an eating machine… By the way, his favorite food is sweet potatoes, which he started eating this week – just in time to enjoy today’s menu.