Eric Tabellion
MS, Computer Science,
Université de Marne-la-vallée
DreamWorks Animation
--> Google Research
Publications & Projects:
Computational Long Exposure Mobile Photography
Siggraph 2023
Describes a smartphone camera system that captures, processes and outputs long exposure photographs automatically, at the tap of the camera shutter button.
FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion
ECCV 2022
Describes a state-of-the-art frame interpolation neural network, that turns near-duplicate photos into smooth slow motion footage, that interpolates between them automatically "morphing" the content.
Open Source Software
DreamWorks Animation production path-tracing renderer, MoonRay, is now available as open source software. Its vectorized rendering architecture is described in the HPG 2017 paper below, titled "Vectorized Production Path Tracing".
Vectorized Production Path Tracing
HPG 2017
Describes an efficient production path-tracing rendering system that is vectorized. It is the first in its class to leverage SIMD hardware units of modern CPUs throughout. We showcase performance results of rendering a few production scene assets.
Exploiting Local Orientation Similarity for Efficient Ray Traversal of Hair and Fur
HPG 2014
Describes an efficient ray-tracing system for hair and fur geometry, including many smart ways to build good acceleration structures. We use a Monte Carlo path tracer to render a few examples of hairy production models.
Point-Based Global Illumination Directional Importance Mapping
Siggraph Talk 2012
Describes a point based global illumination extension to embrace physically based shading.
Coherent Out-of-Core Point-Based Global Illumination
EGSR 2011
Describes a point based global illumination system that can efficiently handle extremely complex scenes.
Soft Shadows by Ray Tracing Multilayer Transparent Shadow Maps
EGSR 2007
Describes a soft-shadowing algorithm that is physically correct, efficient and can be applied to very complex scenes.
An Approximate Global Illumination System for Computer Generated Films
Siggraph 2004
Describes the academy award winning global illumination rendering system that was used in the making of the movie Shrek 2, and many more movies since...