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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Here is my favorite cook in action. Renata is preparing a lovely dinner, while being 8 months and 14/16th pregnant. She is definitely the BIG-belly champion of the house: it's amazing what she can do while being inches from delivery. She is full of energy and her activites include but are not limited to: yoga, water aerobics, and getting ready for the birth.

She's having more and more contractions and cramps that are somewhat telling us that the delivery day is getting closer and closer. Who knows, our next post might well be a picture of the Baby. Send her your best wishes of support and... Stay tuned...


At 5:07 AM, marina said...

ela é a minha favorita cozinheira tambem...e que linda cozinheira gravida...quanto a atividade parece que "puxou a mae"...é de familia...espera chegar o bebe para ver se confirma...estamos torcendo por sua chegada com muita saude, paz e alegria.

At 10:52 AM, val said...

estamos muito contentes que vamos vê-los em breve! Com muita emoção e vibrações positivas estamos esperando a chegada do mais novo membro da família! beijos Deco e Val.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous said...

merci de nous rassurer, on compte les heures! Ce serait un vrai petit français, à s'entraîner à faire la grève???? Je le comprends un peu, il doit être vachement bien au chaud. Mais courage, vous tenez le bon bout. Tiens, on va boire un coup, l'histoire de le faire venir! Lui avez vous parlé de nous? Il sortira peut-être par curiosité, si vous lui parlez des granny-mammy en France???
bisous, bisous, XXOO
les Mapounets

At 11:50 AM, Perulins' company said...

Nous on se demande tous les jours si il est là ou pas... Bon a prioiri, il est pas là. La tension monte à SF, on est très impatients (surement moins que vous) de voir sa frimousse et comme c'est imminent on souhaite beaucoup de courage à Renata et aussi à Eric pour le D-DAY car c'est très riche en efforts et émotions surtout. Profitez bien de ce moment, il est unique.
On vous embrasse très fort et on encourage BigMellon également à se montrer !
Les Perulins.

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous said...

Mais non... vous avez pas souyez pas impatient voyons... c'est la FIN de votre tranquilitééééé!!!! faites vos heures de sommeil maintenant!je je.I send you all our best energy the Big Day, good luck in this new and beautifull "aventure". Big big kisses to BigMellon and to both of you. Love Agnès and Co

At 6:55 PM, Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.


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